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"The Second Coming Trailer - Info Page"
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The Fate of the Show is still currently up in the air. The rights issue has not been cleared up. I ask you still campaign for it as much as you can. Check this web page, and Battlestargalactica.com often to keep up on the News!
For Now.. things must move forward. I am working with Richard Hatch on his new project, "The Great War of Magellan." I am also on the look out for new projects as well as considering offers to work on a few outside projects.

I hope that people will think of me as a guy to go to when they need Battlestar Images for their products. It was a lot of fun to enter into the Colonial World. I would love to rebuild the Battlestar from the ground up at 100% accurate detail..and I might just do it any ways! Until then..enjoy whats here! I will continue to update this page as often as possible
The Images on this page are CopyRight (c)1999,2000
Do Not Repost any image you find here. These images are Copyright by Mike McAdams and may not be
reposted or altered in any shape.
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Some of The Trailer Shots Done by Mike McAdams
The Good Old Rising Star!
The Battlestar with Balls!!!.
Two Vipers take the not so easy way!
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