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"Art Gallery - My Very Own CG ART"
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PAGE 3: My CG ART...Check it out!
You may have noticed new Vipers in the trailer. Well this is my take on one type of a possible new style viper. This version is Not in the trailer.
The photo appears B/W cause the colors are a bit messed up.. But you get the idea!
Click on the above images to see large versions. These are 2 full sheets from a COMIC demo I did for REALM PRESS. As you may know- I did work on ISSUE 1 of the TECH JOURNAL for them, and they really loved it. So I figured I would try a full blown comic.. well.. I was told CGI comics don't sell, and they didn't want to put out comics with Computer people in it...people won't buy them.. So whos to blame? Who knows..but they weren't hip to trying..oh well..maybe the next company to grab it will want to go a few rounds... Anyways..keep in mind these comic pages were rushed out..so a FINAL version would be much nicer and cleaner.
While I admit that some of my images included in my demo might have been odd looking, I still find it hard to believe that no one would buy into comics with the above artwork. I guess its ok, at least you get to check it out for yourself... Maybe we will find another way of getting them out there!

Yes..this is the same set of Cylons used for the Battlestargalactica.com Logo Header.. I took them from my Comic set and used them for that graphic.
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